MOBL | Biomechanics Lab | NC State ISE

MOBL (MObile Biomechanics Laboratory)


Mobile Biomechanics Laboratory (MOBL) is an open-access Android-based mobile app for undergraduate biomechanics education. This app includes 10 modules that can demonstrate joint angular kinematics, body segment center of mass, and jumping height. The Android Package (.apk) for installation and the source code developed in Android Studio are available on this website.

Functionability description

  • This app was originally deployed and tested on a Samsung S7 tablet. The compatibility of this app on other devices is not guaranteed.
  • Function of each module: Module 1 – 2D pose reconstruction through computer vision; Module 2 & Module 3 – Elbow flexion/extension angle ; Module 4 – trunk lateral bending angle; Module 5 & Module 6 – Shoulder adduction/abduction; Module 7 & Module 8 – Center of mass for male and female (based on anthropometric data); Module 9 – Knee bending angle ; Module 10 – Jumping height. The following figures show the screenshots of each module:
  • For the detailed description of the app, please refer to our paper in the reference section.

Accessing Instructions

  • Android source code was provided on our GITHUB page.
  • You can download the .apk file here to test this app on your device.
  • If you come up with any questions, feel free to contact


  • Please cite the following paper if you use the app or code provided here.
    • Wang, H., Lu, L., Xie, Z., Su, B., & Xu, X. (2022). A mobile platform app to assist learning human kinematics in undergraduate biomechanics courses. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting.

Tutorial Demo

Hope this quick tutorial can give you a rough idea about MOBL.