MOPED25 | Biomechanics Lab | NC State ISE


General Description

Moped25 is the acronym for Multimodal Occupational Posture Dataset. The dataset includes 25 tasks that are commonly seen in the workplace. The full-body 3-D kinematics data (37 markers) and the synchronized videos were collected in our Biomechanics Lab and all made publicly available on this site.

Subjects and Tasks

  • 12 subjects were included in this project. The first subject was for the pilot test with different marker attachment. The other 11 subjects were using the same marker attachment.
  • 25 different tasks were involved in this project. The following figure shows examples:
Subject in an experiment performing 25 tasks that involve moving objects, bending with and lifting objects.
  • For the detailed description of the experiment, please refer to our paper in the reference section.

Data Accessing Instructions

  • The marker data were stored as .mat files. Basic loading and visualizing functions are provided in MATLAB code. Please visit my GITHUB page for further instruction.
  • For any questions, feel free to contact me at

Data Download

  • Videos (4~6 GB for each participant)
  • Marker (about 300 MB in total) On-body marker file (.mat, .txt) 
  • Box marker file (.mat, .txt)
  • Virtual marker (shelf and chair)


  • Please cite the following paper if you use the data or code provided here.
    • Li, Li, Ziyang Xie, and Xu Xu. “MOPED25: A multimodal dataset of full-body pose and motion in occupational tasks.” Journal of Biomechanics (2020).

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