Wan Announces New Journal

In the past thirty months, blockchain has evolved into a buzzword. Most people only see blockchain as the basis of cryptocurrency. However, blockchain can be used for much more than cryptocurrency. It can distribute and validate data in various ways. It may also change the way businesses and people share and utilize data.

To help show the many uses for blockchains, Hong Wan, an associate professor of industrial engineering at NC State, has announced the publishing of a new journal. Wan, who serves as Editor-In-Chief of the Journal of Blockchain Research, says that the publication will begin later this year.

The journal will be a peer-reviewed journal with the goal of compiling and sharing cutting edge research. The journal will seek out previously unpublished papers and publish them. Topics to be included in the journal include, but are not limited to, system design and analysis, distributed data storage, and security and privacy.

Visit the official page of the Journal of Blockchain Research here!