As someone who has lived in six countries around the world, ISE student Lexy Jane Boudreau has a unique insight into the challenges facing less fortunate countries. “This experience has been a huge part of my life,” Lexy states. Growing up in these places has made Lexy passionate about helping to solve the issues these countries face. This passion has driven Lexy to join the Grand Challenge Scholars Program (GCSP).
This multi-year research-based program aims to equip students for the challenges of our era. Built upon the National Academy of Engineering’s list of grand engineering challenges, students select one of fourteen issues to research. NC State’s primary goal with the GCSP is to train them as leaders in modern engineering, fostering learning, discovery, and innovation on a global scale.
Lexy’s grand challenge is restoring and improving urban infrastructure. This challenge focuses on helping communities to restore necessary infrastructure such as roads, water systems, and electricity. Infrastructure is an area that affects every aspect of a community. People need proper infrastructure to avoid unsafe living conditions that can lead to many harmful side effects. Lexy expresses, “As a Grand Challenge Scholar, I hope to work on projects that connect the community and their needs with the outcomes of engineering projects.”