Lights, Camera, ISE!

ISE student team hopes to win annual video competition sponsored by the Institute of Industrial Engineering

Each year the Institute of Industrial Engineering (IIE) holds a student video competition. Its goal is to promote industrial engineering (IE) to high school students, teachers and college counselors. “We hope that our video will encourage high school students and undecided engineering majors to pick IE as a major here at NC State,” stressed Kady Ward, a senior in the ISE Department.

The student team; Kady Ward, Jenna Pennock, Aaron Seo and Julianne Spencer, hope to win the $1,000 prize which IIE will award during the student mixer at the National IIE Conference in San Diego. The team would like to give special thanks to Dr. Vila-Parrish and Todd Goldfarb for their help with the video.

In 2013, NC State ISE finished 3rd with its entry, Industrial Engineering is the Word!

Good Luck Team!

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