5 Reasons to get a Graduate Degree in ISE

#1 – Because You Love It

Passion is the reason most people choose a career. By seeking an education at the graduate level in a subject you are passionate about, you get to learn more about that subject. Our flexible graduate curricula enable you to tailor your degree program to suit your particular needs and passions.

#2 – R-E-S-P-E-C-T

Earning an advanced degree is difficult. Employers know this and that is why they often have a higher level of respect for those who complete graduate programs. The degree proves you are capable of setting a goal, following through, and obtaining the results you want. At NC State ISE, you will work and build personal relationships with some of the most respected and recognized faculty members in the field.

#3 – Things Change

Statistics show that you will change jobs 12 times during your career. An advanced degree offers you versatility in your professional life and makes you much more marketable. It not only allows you to be an expert in your chosen field but gives you the qualifications for a broader spectrum of careers in that career field. ISE’s wide range of concentration areas allows you to learn about everything from the latest smart manufacturing technologies to improving healthcare systems to tackling big data.

#4 – Working it Like a Boss

Graduate school helps you improve your leadership skills. An advanced degree lets potential employers know that you are willing and able to be a leader in your chosen field. Industrial and systems engineers improve quality and productivity while at the same time cutting wastes like time, materials, money, and energy. This is why many NC State industrial and systems engineers are often promoted into management positions. At many major employers, a master’s degree has become the de-facto credential for leadership roles within the company.

#5 – Building Your Network

Earning a graduate degree means spending more time in school. This gives you more time to build up a portfolio of professional connections. These can help you find a better job than you could have on your own. They can also give you advice and help guide your career. At NC State, you will meet with industry leaders, either as faculty members or as part of your education process. Also, your classmates will become part of your network and those connections can lead to promotions or job placements in the future.