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NC Comicon 2018

NC Comicon 2018 [VIDEOS]

Tamara Robertson knew the only way to please the science-craving crowd at this year’s NC Comicon was to enlist the help of her newfound allies...
Eastman Chemical Company Graduate School Visitation Day

ISE Continues to Ramp Up Recruitment

The ISE Department continues to reach out and recruit underrepresented groups of potentials students from HBCUs and HSIs this fall by hosting their second event...
Wanted: Women in STEM

Wanted: Women in STEM

The ISE Department, along with 10 other engineering departments, hosted a coordinated visit of female students from several universities in the Southeast and beyond for...
ISE Retirements | Cecilia Chen | Thom Hodgson | Jim Wilson

ISE Retirements

This spring three ISE faculty and staff members – Cecilia Chen, Thom Hodgson, and Jim Wilson – retired after a combined 79 years of service...
Fall 2018 Graduation Ceremony

Spring 2018 Graduation Ceremony [PHOTOS]

ISE celebrated its Spring 2018 Graduation Ceremony on May 12th in front of faculty, families, and friends. Congratulations graduates!