Advisory Board | NC State ISE

Advisory Board

Advisory Board Chair Notes Articles

The ISE Department receives valuable guidance from its advisory board. The board helps keep the department at the forefront of the field as well as ahead of the needs of industry. They also help to strengthen relationships with students, faculty, community, and alumni. Board members help to connect the department with industry leaders.

Advisory Board Members

Tony Blevins | Advisory Board Member

Tony Blevins

Neil Brittain | Advisory Board Member

Neil Brittain

  • BSIE, NC State University 1994
  • Senior Director, Human Resources at Gilead Sciences

Damon Butler | Advisory Board Member

Damon Butler

  • BSIE, NC State University 2002
  • President of Triangle Blvd
  • President of Intelligancity

A headshot of ISE advisory board member Lisa Cook standing in front of a wooden wall.

Lisa Cook

  • BSIE, NC State University 1987
  • Enterprise Data Management Executive, Bank of America

Tracy Doaks

Candance Gingles | Advisory Board Member

Candance Gingles (Chair-Elect)

  • BSIE, NC State University 1987
  • Director of Quality Engineering, Pfizer

Paul Griffin | Advisory Board Member

Paul Griffin

  • Professor, Penn State University
  • Director of the Consortium on Substance Use and Addiction

Tao Hong | Advisory Board Member

Tao Hong

  • Ph.D. OR and ECE, NC State University 2010
  • MS OR and ECE, NC State University 2008
  • ISE Outstanding Young Alumni 2022
  • Duke Energy Distinguished Professor, UNC Charlotte

Jeffrey Johnson | Advisory Board Member

Jeffrey Johnson (Chair)

Angela Lanning | Advisory Board Member

Angela Lanning

  • BSIE, NC State University 1992
  • COO, Premier’s Informatics and Technology Services Group

Tim McMahon | Advisory Board Member

Tim McMahon

  • BSIE, NC State University 1986
  • Managing Director of Global Commerce Mergers and Acquisition, Accenture

Patrick Murray | Advisory Board Member

Patrick Murray

David Parker | Advisory Board Member

David Parker

  • MSM, NC State University 1996
  • Co-founder and CEO of Dexios
  • Co-founder and CEO of ServeMore

Devon Person

A headshot of ISE advisory board member Rich Rosselle standing in front of a window.

Rich Rosselle

  • MBA, NC State University 2013
  • Director, Lenovo ISG GSC Strategy

Headshot of Anita Vila-parrish.

Anita Vila-Parrish