List of Hypothetical Minors | NC State ISE
List of Hypothetical Minors
Artificial Intelligence
- CSC 520: Artificial Intelligence I
- CSC 556: Voice Input/Output Communication Systems
- CSC 720: Artificial Intelligence II
Computer Science
- CSC 501: Operating Systems Principles
- CSC 506: Architecture of Parallel Computers
- CSC 742: Database Management Techniques
- EC 401: Economic Analysis for Nonmajors
- EC 451: Introduction to Econometrics
- ECG 555: Managerial Economics (or)
- ECG 700: Price Theory
Integrated Manufacturing Systems Engineering
- CSC 501: Operating Systems Principles
- MAE 720: Industrial Robotics
- MAE 742: Mechanical Design for Automated Assembly
Mechanical Engineering
- MAE 510: Effects of Noise and Vibration on Man
- MAE 514: Noise and Vibration Control
- MAE 586: Project Work in Mechanical Engineering
Operations Research
- OR 505: Linear Programming
- OR 709: Dynamic Programming
- OR 761: Queues and Stochastic Service Systems
- PSY 745: Human Performance
- PSY 825: Advanced Problems in Perception
- PSY 720: Psychological Survey Operations
- For specific details, please see the Department of Statistics
Interdisciplinary I
- CSC 520: Artificial Intelligence I
- OR 504: Introduction to Mathematical Programming
- ST 516: Experimental Statistics for Engineers
Interdisciplinary II
- CSC 520: Artificial Intelligence I
- CSC 762: Computer Simulation Techniques
- ST 711: Design of Experiments
Interdisciplinary III
- MA 520: Linear Algebra
- MA 580: Numerical Analysis I
- OR 504: Introduction to Mathematical Programming