Master in Industrial Engineering (MIE) | NC State ISE

A female student standing in the hallway of a large building holding up her degree.

Master of Industrial Engineering (MIE)

Last Updated: 10/28/2024 | All information is accurate and still up-to-date.

The Master of Industrial Engineering (MIE) is a professional degree that helps you succeed in industry, government or consulting. This terminal degree is ideal for self-supported, military, part-time, and co-op students. MIE students usually do not receive assistantship awards.

You don’t need to complete a thesis or final oral exam to earn the MIE degree. Project work (up to three credit hours) is optional, allowing you to earn this degree through coursework only.

Degree Requirements

Project Work

As noted, project work is optional. If you choose to do project work, complete a proposal using the ISE Graduate Student Project/Study Contract. Your degree advisor must review and approve all project work.

We recommend documenting all project work in a formal report that includes an abstract and properly listed references. This work should demonstrate scholarship beyond regular coursework, like term papers.

To receive course credit toward your degree for project work, register for either ISE 637, ISE 639, or ISE 677.

MIE Degree Checklist

Follow this checklist to prepare for graduation. In your final semester, apply to graduate no later than four weeks before the last day of classes. To receive your diploma, submit your application through MyPack Portal.

Got Questions? Please contact our Graduate Services Coordinator |  |  919.515.6410.