Master of Industrial Engineering / Master of Business Administration (MIE/MBA) | NC State ISE

A student in a graduation gown holding a degree in her hand.

Master of Industrial Engineering/Business Administration

Are you up for the Challenge?

Our innovative dual MIE/MBA degree is an excellent way to stand out in your industry. Structured around hands-on, experiential education, you are prepared to take on leadership roles in more than one field.

In this program, you can receive an MIE and an MBA degree in two years (see You would have to meet the admissions requirements for both degrees. You should apply to the MIE program first and indicate on your application that you are interested in the Dual MIE-MBA program. ISE PRO TIP: There is no box to check on the form for MIE-MBA, so you have to write it on a line on the first page of your application.

Once you are accepted into the MIE program, we will send your application to the MBA program, and you will need to supply some additional materials like a couple of essays (check the MBA website for details). The person in the MBA program we work with regarding admissions for the dual program is Michael Dixon

During the first year, you will focus primarily on completing your core MBA courses. During the second year, you will work on completing your core MIE courses.

As part of the MBA degree, you will be required to complete an MBA concentration. The current concentrations are:

  • BioSciences Management
  • Entrepreneurship & Technology Commercialization
  • Financial Management
  • Innovation Management
  • Marketing Management
  • Supply Chain Management

Admission to the Program

Admission to the program is a two-step process:

  1. The ISE department will consider your qualifications for pursuing the MIE degree
  2. Once accepted into the MIE program, your application will be sent to the business school for consideration into the MBA program (you still must apply separately to each program)

It is expected that you will:

  • Abide by all of the specific requirements for each degree
  • Take the GRE for admission to the MIE program and either the GRE or the GMAT for admission to the MBA program
  • Have access to the same career and program resources as all other MBA and MIE students
  • Pursue your degrees full time and will pay the same tuition rates as MBA students

Got Questions? Contact Michael Kay | | 919.515.2008 to discuss applying for the dual MIE/MBA program.