By Rob LassonA new approach for predicting the contents of municipal solid waste can help improve the efficiency of recycling and landfill operations. |Articles
By Rebecca RossLouis Martin-Vega retires from NC State, leaving a legacy of innovation, mentorship, and leadership that transformed engineering education. |Articles
By Rob LassonAs Tabitha Gardner graduates with a master’s degree in industrial engineering, we asked her a few questions about her experience at NC State, |Articles
By Rob LassonISE grad Lucas Mallison’s Peace Corps project brings technology to a rural Kenyan school, empowering students and transforming their future. |Articles, Photos, Videos
By Lillian AventThe ISE Fall 2024 Graduation was on December 12th. The commencement speaker was the 2023 C.A. Anderson Award winner, ISE assistant professor, Ben Rachunok. |Articles