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Debbie Allgood-Staton and Dr. Richard Bernhard at Debbie's retirement party.

ISE Loses Some of its “Heart”

After 25 years, Debbie Allgood-Staton earned the luxury of leaving the rat race behind to spend her days spoiling her grandchildren and working in her garden.
Dr. Richard Bernhard

Money is just like Manure

Richard Bernhard, ISE professor emeritus, has a long history of contributing to NC State and the ISE Department.
ISE assistant professor Sara Shashaani writing on a whiteboard

Faculty Spotlight: Sara Shashaani

Thanks to her father's excitement for solving problems, assistant professor Sara Shashaani wanted to be one of the coolest people on earth, an engineer.
Undergraduate Student Spotlight | Taylor White

Undergraduate Student Spotlight: Taylor White

Taylor White's interests in psychology ultimately drew her away from the sciences and to industrial and systems engineering, the people person’s engineering.
Stuart Nisbet | Advisory Board Chair

Advisory Board Chair Notes – October 2022

Stuart Nisbet, advisory board chair, shares his thoughts on the advisory board, Day of Giving and connecting with ISE.