Adam Newton Wins COE Leadership Award

Adam Newton
Congratulations to Adam Newton for winning the College of Engineering Leadership Award.

Congratulations to Adam Newton, Student Chapter of IIE President, for winning the College of Engineering Leadership Award. This award is presented to a senior who has demonstrated leadership skills both within the college and while working with companies outside of the university. Adam’s leadership skills were on display when he chaired the committee responsible for hosting the highly successful IIE Mid-Atlantic Conference in February, 2012. He followed that achievement by leading his senior design group in a project with the Caterpillar Corporation.

As a junior, Adam was treasurer of the Student Chapter of IIE and earned the opportunity to compete in the ImagiNations Design Competition (Sponsored by Walt Disney Imagineering). The competition called for students to think creatively and design additions to an already active attraction, ride or area in one of the Disney parks. Instead, Newton and his team decided to make a completely new ride. That innovative thinking earned Adam and his team 2nd place.

After graduation, Adam will take his talents to Prophet, a company that specializes in brand analysis. As an Innovation Associate, he will be challenged to not only create and optimize branding for products, but maximize work environments as well. The ISE Department thanks Adam for all that he has done and wants to wish him all the success in the world.