Northwestern IEMS Celebrates Its Brightest Stars: Julie Swann Among 2023 Honorees

Northwestern University’s Department of Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences (IEMS) celebrated a remarkable group of individuals, including ISE department head Julie Swann, at their 2023 Distinguished Alumni Awards Luncheon. Swann is a distinguished alum whose impressive achievements have earned her a place among the department’s most celebrated graduates.

The Distinguished Alumni Awards at Northwestern University have consistently celebrated excellence and the lasting bonds between the institution and its alums. Past honorees include National Academy of Engineering member George Nemhauser, former New York Yankees manager Joe Girardi, distinguished professor Phil Kaminsky, University of North Dakota President Andy Armacost, and accomplished Deloitte partner Ken Porrello. Julie Swann now shares the stage with these luminaries, having carved an impressive path in the industrial engineering field.

At the October 6th awards luncheon, Swann shared her inspiring journey and the profound impact of her industrial engineering degree on her remarkable career. Her insights and experiences will undoubtedly offer a captivating perspective, illuminating the way from her days as a Northwestern student to her current status as a celebrated alumna