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The sign outside of Fitts-Woolard Hall

Take the Virtual Tour of Fitts-Woolard Hall

Explore Fitts-Woolard Hall with this interactive, 360-degree virtual tour Have a look at NC State’s newest hub of innovation, Fitts-Woolard Hall and explore all of...
A grassy field known as the Oval with Fitts-Woolard Hall in the background

Graduation Reception | Fall 2021

It’s finally time to celebrate in person! The ISE department would like to invite all of our 2020 and Spring 2021 graduates to a reception...
Julie Swann giving a virtual tour of Fitts-Woolard Hall

Take a Virtual Tour of Fitts-Woolard Hall

Department head Julie Swann along with dean Louis Martin-Vega and CCEE department head Mort Barlaz lead you on a virtual tour of Fitts-Woolard Hall